
5 tips to take you from leadership programs to action


5 tips to take you from leadership programs to action

Latest updated: 21 June 2023

Leadership programs can be a great way to develop leadership skills among both established managers and employees with leadership ambitions. However, for the program to have the desired impact, it is necessary to transfer the knowledge to everyday work life and test it in real work situations. But how? Here are five tips to bridge the gap between theory and action.


Investing in leadership development can be a valuable investment, but it's important to ensure that it results in tangible skill development that makes an impact in daily work. Therefore, it's crucial for participants in the leadership program to have the opportunity to apply their newly acquired knowledge in real work situations while it's still fresh.

In short, they must be given the opportunity to move from theory to action. Here are five concrete tips on how you can connect the theory of the leadership program to the realities of the workplace:

1. Connect to specific goals.

Setting clear and concrete goals is always important regardless of the task at hand. When a manager or employee participates in a leadership program, you should collaboratively establish a set of goals that align the program's theory with daily work and the company's objectives.

The concepts studied in the leadership program should be put into practice in the workplace. Therefore, ensure that the goals align with the program, but are specific and practical rather than purely theoretical.

Now is the time for the participant to put the new knowledge about communication, decision-making, and more into practice. To ensure it actually happens, you must decide when and how it will be done and what is expected as a result.

2. Time management – prioritize relevant tasks.

It's unnecessary and uninspiring to attend a leadership program only to spend the days responding to emails. That's hardly what leadership training is about. It's crucial to ensure that the manager/employee has the opportunity to prioritize tasks that are relevant to the program and relate to real leadership.

During this period, the participant should engage in conscious time management to free up as much time as possible for practice and relevant tasks. The employer should also support the participant by freeing them from more mundane tasks whenever possible.

3. Provide feedback to the participant.

Feedback is always essential in both education and work. Those participating in a leadership program need feedback in their daily work when putting their knowledge into practice. Ensure that this opportunity exists and that the participant receives varied feedback from both managers and colleagues in the workplace.

The participant should also actively seek and collect feedback from the environment based on the established goals.

4. Seek the assistance of a coach.

When applying knowledge in practice, participants will encounter new questions, problems, and thoughts that may not have been addressed during the leadership program. Therefore, it's important for participants to have someone to talk to, a sounding board, between training sessions and in relation to their daily work. The best way to ensure this is to hire a coach.

Coaching can be crucial when it comes to bridging the gap between theory and action in a leadership program. The participant needs to reflect on the application of new knowledge, identify obstacles, and find solutions to progress in their development. Coaching is a perfect way to create that opportunity. The coach can help the participant formulate goals that align with daily work (see point 1) and assist with time management (see point 2). Coaching sessions also serve as a means for ongoing evaluation (see point 5).

5. Evaluate daily.

Participants should be encouraged to evaluate their development daily in relation to the established goals. Otherwise, it's difficult to know if progress is being made. The evaluation is also aimed at making any necessary adjustments along the way and identifying new areas that need to be developed.

Evaluation can take many forms – alone or with a coach, using pen and paper or utilizing apps and digital tools. The important thing is to reflect on how the workday went in relation to the set goals at the end of each workday. For example, jotting down thoughts after each workday means preserving insights since they are recorded on paper, which is useful for remembering and carrying those insights into future work.

It is only when knowledge is put into practice that its value can be determined. Therefore, it's crucial that participants in a leadership program have the opportunity to spread their wings in real work situations while their knowledge is still fresh. If the transfer from the leadership program to everyday work succeeds, participants can develop into competent leaders who bring significant value to the company for a long time to come.

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