Latest updated: 12 December 2022
Today, Zebrain, digital platform for employee development via coaching, releases a new study that shows that Swedish employees show several signs of stress symptoms, where both sleep and the ability to concentrate are affected.
The study produced by Zebrain Labs is based on aggregated and anonymized data of users who rated questions 0-100 relating to the work environment, health and their own personal development during the period September 2021 to September 2022.
The self-assessment shows that questions that are directly linked to stress symptoms, such as sleep quality and the ability to concentrate, are low on average. On the question "I sleep well and feel refreshed", employees only agree with the statement to 58.3% on average, after at least four weeks in Zebrain's platform the same figure is 67.1%. On average, 63.7% of employees agree with the statement "I can concentrate on what I'm doing". After coaching, the ability increases to 68.7%.
- In addition to physical signs of stress such as sleep and the ability to concentrate being affected, there are surprisingly many people who rate matters concerning their own private life low. Few have clear goals and expectations of what they want to achieve privately in the longer term, comments Martin Bellander, Leg. Psychologist and head of Zebrain Labs.
On the question 'I know what I want to achieve in life in the longer term', only 58.9% of employees agree. After coaching for at least four weeks, the figure increases to a whopping 71.2%. - It is interesting to note because a meaningful private life provides better conditions for increased stress tolerance and how employees function at work. After digital coaching, the self-esteem on this specific question increases by as much as 21 percent, which means that relatively simple efforts by companies can have great effects for the individual employee, Martin Bellander continues.
Initially, the users in the study carried out a current situation analysis where Zebrain measured untapped potential and the individual's own willingness to change based on: Self-insight (who am I and what do I want), Basic energy (how do I feel), Motivation (how motivated am I) and Self-leadership (how I get where I want). After coaching, all areas have improved, where basic energy has increased by 8.6%, motivation by 6%, self-awareness by just over 16% and self-leadership by 8%.
- The users have estimated an improvement in all areas, but self-awareness is the one that initially increases the most, which is common, says Martin Bellander.
The Swedish payment provider Westpay has given employees the opportunity for digital coaching since the first half of 2022 and can see a positive development within the organization. - Estimates regarding sleep, the ability to concentrate and cooperation with colleagues have all noticeably increased. Even the ability to set realistic demands, i.e. the balance between well-being and performance, has improved between measurements. The strength of a digitized service is that we can measure and follow the development at group level, says Sten Karlsson, CEO at Westpay.
Industry-specific data and insights
As a supplement, Zebrain Labs has produced data on how employees in various industries self-assessed, among other things, the statements 'I sleep well and feel refreshed' and 'I can concentrate on what I'm doing'. User data is an aggregated compilation of all Zebrain's customers within the respective industry where there is a broader employee base. The results are preliminary and should be interpreted with caution, but point to tendencies.
Construction and Community Development
Sleep: Employees in construction agree on average to 63% after the first measurement. After a period of active coaching, this estimate has increased 11% to 70%.
Concentration: On average, only 47% of employees agree with this statement. After using Zebrain's platform for at least 4 weeks, the claim is rated 13% higher at 53%.
Consultant and Staffing
Sleep: Within the industry, employees agree on average to 80% that this is true at the first measurement. After active coaching, this estimate has increased by approximately 4% to 83%.
Concentration: On average, only 55% of employees agree with this statement. After using Zebrain's platform for a number of weeks, the claim is rated 14% higher at 62.5%.
Medtech & Medicines
Sleep: Within the industry, an average of 58.8% agree that this is true at the first measurement. After coaching, this estimate has increased by a whopping 25% to 74%.
Concentration: On average, 63% of employees agree with this statement. After using Zebrain's platform for at least 4 weeks, the claim is rated a whopping 19% higher, at 75%.
- It is interesting to note that employees in the pharmaceutical industry have the greatest development over time both in terms of sleep and ability to concentrate. Within the construction industry, the ability to concentrate stands out and is estimated to be the lowest if we compare the three industries. If we compare with the broader study results, both construction, pharmaceuticals and consulting are higher on sleep but lower on concentration
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